Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “React”

A Guide to the React Ecosystem

tl;dr: I’ve written a book about React, React in Action for Manning Publications! I’m thankful to have been able to work on it and fulfill a life-goal of mine. If you’re reading this post, you probably either made your way here from somewhere on the internet or you’re reading React in Action and were directed here from the book. One of my goals for the book is to give the reader a sense of React that isn’t bogged down in jargon and is instead rooted in solid concepts and practical examples.

50% off React in Action Today

You might have seen my post from the other week about my upcoming book on React. Today, React in Action is part of Manning’s Deal of the Day. You can get 50% off your order here (make sure to use code dotd110316au!). What’s in the book? React in Action is broken into several major parts. In the first section, you’ll meet React. We’ll dive into some of the fundamental ideas in React and work with components.

A Conceptual Introduction to React Components

I’ve had the pleasure to work on a book about React — React in Action — for Manning this year. It’s been a lot of fun and I’m so excited that it’s starting to be publicly available now through the MEAP program! You can download the first chapter for FREE here. For a short while, you’ll be able to use the discount code mlthomas to get 50% off the MEAP!

I'm writing a book about React!

This year, I’ve had the pleasure to have been working on a book about React for Manning Publications. It’s been a humbling, hard, fun, and extremely rewarding experience so far. I am deeply thankful to my wife, family, friends, and all the people at Manning who have supported me in this endeavor! Writing has always been a passion of mine and it’s long been a goal of mine to write and publish a book.

Testing React Components with Enzyme and Mocha

I originally wrote this as a tutorial for Semaphore CI’s community site; I am republishing my own work here :) Testing React Components with Enzyme and Mocha Introduction Even if you only dabble in the JavaScript world, you have probably heard of React. React has become an increasingly popular and widely-used JavaScript application tool for developing web applications. Popular frameworks like Angular.js, Ember.js, and Backbone have traditionally been go-to choices for front-end application development, but React came onto the scene in 2013 has provided front-end engineers with (yet) another substantial alternative.

React Native: Quick Start and Including Images

Origin Story I asked a question on Stack Overflow about ~7 months back (at time of writing) about requiring and including images in react native. I figured it was a simple misunderstanding on my part about the directory structure(s) used in iOS development, but it turned out to be both 1) something other people were curious about and 2) an area where the react native team was still stabilizing the API.

Server-Side Rendering with React and React-Router

update: This post was last updated on 4/16/16 w/ more-recent react-router. tl;dr: React is the only framework you ever need to learn again! Proclaim it’s superiority from the mountaintops! No longer will we be trapped in the chains of Angular, Ember, Backbone…REACT IS FREEDOM. Eh…Jk. React is really great, but please don’t be that person. We need to love all the frameworks equally, lest we just keep reinventing them over and over and over…and over again ;) I’m way off track of this tl;dr now.